Upravit stránku
The LIFT is an easy intermediate glider meant for all pilots with occasional flying activity who are willing to improve their flying with a standard class paraglider.
  • Produits

    The LIFT is an easy intermediate glider meant for all pilots with occasional flying activity who are willing to improve their flying with a standard class paraglider.

    Its fine and precise handling allow very efficient and easy climbing in the thermals. 

    The PVR technology used on this glider and the reduced amount of lines generate improved performances. A very high safety level is guaranteed by the rather low aspect ratio and the well structured airfoil.

  • Infos techniques
    LIFT (1999-2002)24262830
    Surface à plat (m2)24,0026,0028,0030,00
    Envergure à plat (m)10,9411,4011,8512,31
    Allongement à plat5,005,005,005,00
    Nombre de cellules42424242
    Poids du parapente (kg)5,75,96,16,5
    Poids total en vol (kg)60-7570-9085-105100-125
    Vmin. (km/h)22222222
    Vmax. (km/h)45454545
    Finesse max7,77,77,77,7
    Taux de chute min. (m/s)1,151,151,151,15
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    ANAKIS homologationpdf

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