Upravit stránku


We know that comfort and safety are crucial to our flying. Sometimes you need to practice groundhadling, sometimes we just go for the evening


PAX’s fast 2 buckle get up system ensures a quick and easy set up. Once in the air, the transition from running to sitting is slick.


We designed KOOKY to become your partner to guide you into the world of acro, smoothly and predictably.


Can you imagine a tandem glider with light and precise handling, effective glide at high speed and efficiency and ease in the turn?


The game changer. All-terrain reflex paramotor wing. Raise your limits. Widen your comfort zone. Discover a sense of control that defies such...


CRUX is an alpinist’s paragliding harness designed to deliver ultimate functionality on the mountain. No unpacking, reversing and repacking on...

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