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• What is your paragliding specialization and what drew you to focus on this particular aspect of the sport?

My specialization is in acrobatic paragliding. When I was just a kid I saw all the video’s of the pro’s doing tricks and the Infinity Tumbling. This inspired me so much to chase it myself. The adrenaline, the “cool” factor and doing this thing which seems impossible to the rest of the world made me wanna do it myself.

• Which wing do you fly, and what makes it special to you? How does it enhance your flying experience?

I fly the Kooky 2 (Pro). “Pro” stand for my own and the team pilots glider because it is the one we work on constantly to make it better for the future pilots who would like to fly it themselves. It is 100% my favourite glider because it is the one which I worked on myself with my fellow team pilots and friends. It does exactly everything what I want it to do. It allows me to express myself in the sky. It also allowed me to achieve one of my biggest childhood dreams, winning the Acro World Tour.

• What is your best flight so far?

My favourite flight must be somewhere on a little island called “El Hierro”. This island has an incredible landscape. The nature and rough rocks, flying over huge cliffs with dynamic wind allowed us to make a lot of runs in a day. It is super magnificent to fly there because the terrain and atmosphere of this island create unique moments and experiences. Everyday I flew there I felt like I was dreaming. It is a place out of this world.

• Have you faced any fears or significant challenges while flying, and how did you overcome them?

Constantly. Doing acrobatic manoeuvres is always scary. Especially learning new ones. I faced fear almost every day when I was younger. How I got over it every time was to think everything through and doing it step by step. Safety was my number one priority. Once you think everything through and train your brain beforehand, makes learning new tricks much easier and safer.

•What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned during your paragliding career?

Traveling the world is one of best things in the world. You meet unique people, you learn a lot about cultures and life in general. It really makes you a better person. But what is also teaches is to appreciate your home, your friends and your family. Everybody in the world wants to travel nowadays but forget how grateful it is to be at home.

• Who or what inspires you to keep pushing boundaries in paragliding?

Theo de Blic and Bicho Carrera. No explanation needed…


• What inspired you to become a part of the Sky Squadron team, and how does the brand's vision align with your personal goals as a pilot?

Sky allows me to do the thing I love to do the most, flying. They allow me to travel train and experience the best moments I’ve done in my life. They helped me win the Acro World Tour and push myself to be a better pilot.


• Can you share a memorable experience you've had while flying?

9 of August 2022. The day a big storm arrived in Organya and I crashed. I broke my back and put me out of the season. What seems to be the worst time of my life, made me the person I am today. Something switched in me and I changed everything about myself to achieve this ultimate goal. A year later I came back and pushed harder than ever. Not sure, but it might be the craziest comeback story in acro paragliding. Some kid from a flat country won the World Tour.

• What do your family and close friends think about your paragliding career, and how do they support or influence your journey?

It was hard at first for them to see my chase an impossible dream but soon when they saw me flying up close, in my element, they realised that this is what I want and will do no matter what anyone says. The passion in my eyes sold it. Also the results helped… :)

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