Upravit stránku


    Nació el ano en que en su tierra -Suiza-, se venció la barrera de los 10 segundos en los 200 metros lisos. El mismo ano en que fue derribado el avión espía U2 y a Gagarin le faltaba menos de un ano para su vuelo al espacio.
    Empezó a volar en parapente en 1989 sin embargo su trayectoria de vuelo empezó con el paracaidismo y los ultraligeros. Al acabar su servicio militar, se dedicó al parapente por completo.
    En 1989 empezó a disenar y construir parapentes. Produjo toda una serie de modelos exitosos.
    Alexandre es el disenador en jefe de la companía. Vive en Suiza, no muy lejos de Villeneuve, y –además del desarrollo- también se responsabiliza de las ventas y el servicio post-venta de los productos de la companía.
    Pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo libre con su esposa y juntos disfrutan haciendo trekking y montando en bicicleta por los Alpes.


    Jana nació el ano en que Pablo Picasso murió en París, cuando se acabó la guerra de Vietnam y cuando Duke Ellinton publicó su autobiografía.

    Jana volaba un poco hasta hace poco. Recibió formación muy cerca, en la zona de Beskidi.

    En Sky Paragliders es la persona que se encarga de la contabilidad y de los recursos humanos. También gestiona el departamento de atención al cliente y se asegura de que todos los e-mails se respondan rápidamente.

    En su tiempo libre le gusta montar en bicicleta, leer y cuidar de su perro…


    nació en Irán en el año en que comenzó la conocida como Guerra del Golfo con el vecino Irak y cuando acababa de publicarse el álbum de Nirvana titulado Nevermind.

    A Artoosh le gustaba escalar las montañas de Irán desde que era un niño, siguiendo el ejemplo de su padre. A la edad de diez años, vio por primera vez un parapente y en sus ojos se encendió una llama que aún no se ha apagado. A los diez años también voló por primera vez en uno y a los dieciséis empezó a volar en biplaza.

    A la edad de veinte años, partió de Irán hacia Turquía, donde conoció a su esposa, en ese momento campeona de vuelo distancia de Turquía. Entre 2014 y 2018 hizo 1000 vuelos biplaza al año. Artoosh es instructor internacional de acro, biplaza y SIV, y también nuestro piloto de pruebas.

    ¡Podrás ver su eterna sonrisa en cada gran evento que organiza Sky!

    Y si no está trabajando, seguro que lo encontrarás con su mujer y su hija en la playa de Oludeniz. ;)


    nació cuando millones de personas se enamoraron del cubo de Rubik, se erradicó oficialmente la varicela y John Lennon fue tiroteado frente a su casa en Nueva York.

    Michal empezó a volar como paracaidista y más tarde quedó fascinado por el parapente. Se convirtió en piloto en 2003. Desde entonces ha participado en numerosas competiciones, desde aterrizaje de precisión hasta Cross Country. Sus 10 participaciones en la famosa carrera Dolomitenmann son una buena tarjeta de presentación. En Sky es experto en tecnología y participa en el diseño de todos los productos. ¡Lleva 20 años formando parte del equipo! Cuando buscamos soluciones tecnológicas o alguna información sobre velas anteriores, recurrimos a él. ;)

    En su tiempo libre, si no está con su familia, practica numerosos deportes o se dedica a alguno de sus múltiples hobbies.


    nació en el año en que se empezó a agrietar el hielo de la Guerra Fría, Regan y Gorbachov se reunieron por primera vez y salió la primera versión de Windows 1.0.

    Martina estudió tecnología textil y marketing. Trabaja como técnica en Sky. Plasma su pasión por el dibujo en nuevos diseños de sillas, mochilas y accesorios. ¡Y lo hace más que bien!

    Martina es una orgullosa madre de dos niños a la que le gusta correr y dibujar si sus hijos se lo permiten. ;)


    nació en el año en que se fundó Apple, los Sex Pistols se hicieron conocidos por sus descaradas actuaciones en directo y se empezó a rodar Star Wars.

    Si quieres convertirte en distribuidor de Sky, seguro que te pondrás en contacto con Víťa. Se encarga de la comunicación con los distribuidores y de todo el marketing. También podrás encontrarlo en los eventos que Sky organiza o en los que toma parte. Víťa es una persona comunicativa que hablará contigo en inglés, francés y posiblemente incluso en alguno de los otros varios idiomas que conoce y aún no haya olvidado. :D

    Además de volar, que es su afición nº 1, le gusta hacer rutas largas en bicicleta y sacar fotos. Algunas de sus fotos se pueden ver aquí, en nuestra página web. ;)


    nació en el año en que terminó la guerra de Bosnia-Herzegovina, los Rolling Stones tocaron en Praga con un récord de público de 130.000 personas, y se inventó Java, el lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos.

    Monika traductora de inglés licenciada. Es una lingüista nata y por eso es la primera persona en escribirte desde Sky y ponerte en contacto con la persona adecuada. Monika es empática y concienzuda. No podemos imaginar a nadie más en este puesto.

    Monika es una lectora entusiasta y también aficionada a la fantasía. Pasa su tiempo libre inmersa en libros sobre tierras muy lejanas de este mundo.





    My name is Luke de Weert and I am a professional paragliding pilot from the Netherlands. I started paragliding when I was fourteen years old on the beach close to my home in Alkmaar. Starting on the beach defined my flying style and passion for the sport. Because I was always flying close to the ground it made me use my imagination and creativity to fly in a relatively small playground. This resulted in me learning a lot about the gliders and some smaller tricks that have set my foundation to fly acro in the mountains.


    It will sound really cliché, but it is freedom. Paragliding allowed me to have an extra dimension in my life. Instead of going left, right, forward and backwards, it gave me the possibility to move in every possible direction. Paragliding brings you back to nature and makes you think about nothing else except flying. All the stress and worries in life fade away and you are in the moment. Paragliding has also given me a purpose in life. I am a very passionate and disciplined person for success in my paragliding career and life. I want to achieve all my goals and dreams. The journey and reaching those goals give me so much motivation and energy which is the most addictive drug for me. It is my driving force and I love this natural and passionate feeling. A place that gives me this feeling the most must be Organya in Spain. The amount of hours flying in nice and warm weather where I can fully focus on training and developing myself as a person and pilot gives me this peace in life. Although Oludeniz in Turkey is also a place close to my heart for similar reasons. Mostly the view over the ocean at the end of the day makes you appreciate life more than ever.


    My story started before I was even born. My parents went to Switzerland and my father got inspired by paragliding pilots in the mountains. He started paragliding four years later and shortly after he took me with him in multiple tandem flights to show me the beauty of the sport. I got interested in the sport when I turned fourteen. I don't know what happened in my mind but from that moment my life changed. Because my father was a pilot himself, he taught me all the foundations I needed to know. This helped me progress faster than an average pilot would and it gave me the possibility to do my first SAT just half a year later. The better I got, the more time I wanted to invest in my future and my career. A never ending cycle/story/journey.


    As a little kid who just started paragliding, my dream was to become a professional paragliding pilot. I knew that it was going to be hard because of the country I live in (for the people who don't know, the Netherlands doesn’t have mountains). I basically always have to travel if I wanted to train more acro. This was quite hard because I was still young and couldn't travel alone. So I had set my goal to reach the top 5 in the world. This sounded realistic to me and something I could achieve. What I didn't expect is that during my first time participating in the Acro World Tour, I would finish fifth! This was an eye opener for me. Basically, my dreams just became so much bigger than I had ever thought was possible. I wanted more. Covid-19 has paused the competition scene for one year and this gave me the possibility to train more than I ever could and gave me the advantage that I was always lacking because of the country I live in. My progression went through the roof. My trainings were super efficient and I managed to learn a lot of new tricks that year. Even the legendary Horacio Llorens told me that he had never seen a progression this fast in one year. When 2021 came around I could finally show what I had in possession. I competed in my first World Championships and proudly finished in third place. At the same time, I finished the Acro World Tour in second place. What was just a dream for me as a little kid just became a reality that year. But there is still a lot more to achieve so the story will keep on going for many more years.


    It's hard to say one best moment because there are so many. The one that keeps coming back is the second you take off. The moment you take off and feel the pressure in the brakes and the feeling that you're flying is just unimaginable. This feeling never gets old.

    Another memorable moment is when I finished fifth in the AWT. Because from this moment my dreams became bigger than ever. From that moment I knew exactly what I wanted to do and how I want to live my life. It was the moment I knew I was going all in. No plan B.



      My name is Maud Perrin, I am 22 years old, I am French and I do acrobatic paragliding.


      The best spot depends on the season but of course Organya in summer! In winter I love being in Chamonix and between seasons it changes. Flying generally makes me feel free and allows me to relax, not think about anything, and just enjoy the moment. Acrobatics, more specifically, is a way to surpass myself, to work on technique and the perfect move.


      I started paragliding with my father when I was 10 years old in tandem and then on my own when I was 15. The acrobatics came later but I always preferred the technical and aesthetic side of the discipline. I've been in Organya for several summers and am studying at a business school that fits my competition schedule.


      I am training today to become a world champion in the mixed category. Today no women are competing with men on the overall podium, I want to change that. Acrobatic paragliding is a discipline which, in my opinion, should not differentiate between the genders because physical appearance is not a factor in the difference in level between men and women. What makes a difference today is the mental aspect and this will not prevent me from reaching the podium.

      Outside of competition, I want to progress more widely in the mountains to combine projects with beautiful climbs and takeoffs with adapted equipment. I wish to use my flying experience to enlarge the possibilities of combos.


      My most beautiful flight was in Chamonix from the Aiguille du Midi during a sunset. The evening lights on the sea of clouds were magnificent, this flight will remain engraved in my memory.



      I’m Vincent Tornare from Switzerland, 20 years old Acro pilot, I did my first flight at the age of 2 in tandem with my dad, and since this day I never stopped flying. For 3 years I’m flying an Acro and sometimes I go for Hike and Fly.


      To make me happy it’s quite easy, just give me a wing and good weather. During the summertime, I love to train in Organya, and during the winter and when it’s not flyable in Spain I love to fly in Murren, Switzerland or in Chamonix, France. Since my youngest age I knew I wanted to fly Acro and my biggest dream is to become an Acro World Champion. I love to fly because It gives me the freedom that I can’t find in other sports. 


      I did my first tandem flight at the age of 2 with my dad, and since this day I never stopped to fly. I got my first ground handling wing at 7 years old. I did my first solo flight at 15, got my paragliding licence just after my 17th birthday and started Acro straight after.


      My Biggest goal in paragliding is to become a world champion. Last year for my first competition season I managed to take second place in the Swiss Championships. First place on the Swiss Acro Tour (SAT) overall. I also took part in the Acro World qualifier(AWQ) where I took 5th place on the first task in Rouen and won the second task in Albania. I ended up finishing 2nd place overall, which allows me to climb up to the world Tour (AWT) for the next season!


      Basically, every flying moment is my new favourite flying moment, I consider myself a really lucky person because I can fly! So yeah every time I’m in the sky I feel really good! But one of my favourite feelings while flying is when I manage to do a new trick; the first one coming to my mind is my first superstall to infinity with my brand new Kooky 2 in 16 sqm!


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